How to give a wedding toast

If you’ve ever been to a traditional North American wedding, you’ve probably heard someone giving a toast to the Bride and Groom at the reception. Typically, toasts are given by parents, the Best Man, Maid of Honor, or a close friend or family member. If you find yourself in the position of having to make a toast, keep the following tips in mind.

How to give a wedding toast

Like all speeches, a Wedding Toast as a beginning, a middle, and an end. Don’t attempt to simply improvise and say whatever comes to mind unless you are extremely good at thinking on your feet. Write down your thoughts about the couple – is there anything unique or special that defines them as a couple? Why are they right for each other? What are your favourite memories of them as a couple?

The Wedding Toast should be warm, personal, and brief. If you are good at telling jokes, insert some humour (keep it clean!) – if not, play it straight and speak from the heart. Avoid the temptation to launch into a long winded speech about every memory you have about the bride or groom. Long speeches are very rarely ever well received at a wedding.

If you’re stumped on what to say, check the internet for wedding speeches or wedding toasts for help. There are lots and lots of great examples and quotes to draw inspiration from. If you decide to copy parts of a speech you find verbatim…remember to change the names of the Bride and Groom!

Start by first introducing yourself and your relationship to the couple. Comment on how special, touching, unique, heartfelt, etc the ceremony was. Mention funny or special memories you have of the Bride or Groom – then congratulate them and wish them well.

Do’s and dont’s to remember:

* Don’t drink excessively before making a speech. There’s nothing worse than slurred, incoherent babble
* Don’t mention previous boyfriends, girlfriends, or spouses
* Don’t mention future plans the couple may have confided in you
* Don’t dwell on how difficult marriage is

* Do keep the toast short – 2 to 3 minutes is best
* Do let your warmest feelings for the couple shine through
* Do end the toast on a positive and hopeful note

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